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 Graduate of the Music & Sound Design cursus at ISART DIGITAL Paris, I'm a Composer & Sound Designer in the Animation & Video Game Industry. I've always been passionate about art & music, striving to learn and understand as much as I can about the world of music. I've also loved video games since I was a kid, growing up with the colourful worlds and characters of the Nintendo franchises, later expanding my tastes upon what this industry had to offer. 

 After 3 years at ISART DIGITAL, I've learned so much about how and why I want to work as a

Composer & Sound Designer in video games. 

My skills include:

- Music Composition

- Sound Design

- Audio Integration

- Mixing


- Ableton Live

- Reaper

- Pro Tools


- Wwise

Example of a short song I've been working on 

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